Waitlist Fee: $75/child; Annual Registration Fee:  Single $75.; Family $125.

      The registration fee is due at the time enrollment is approved and annually in April.

      The waitlist fee is due when child is placed on the waitlist and is non-refundable.



               Extended Care (full-day)          Monthly                   Part-Day Preschool     Monthly

            Infants (until age 1 year)            $1439/mo                     2’s                                                                               1-year old                                 $1290/mo                     5 days only                   $500

            2-year old                                 $1285/mo                     3’s

            3-year old                                 $1227/mo                     5 day                            $480

            4/5-year old & TK                      $1232/mo                     3 day                            $460

                                                                                                2 day                            $440

                                                                                                4’s & PreK

                                                                                                5 day only                     $480


 Preschool - First month’s tuition is due by May 31, 2023.

 Extended Care - Tuition is due on the first of each month.

 Annual Snack Fee (billed in April, Due May 31): $75/child for preschool. $110/child for extended care.

 Preschool (part-day) Summer Camp programs require a separate enrollment.   

Two-day Preschool enrollment

A two day per week position is dependent on a matching three day per week enrollment.  If a match is not available, the two day per week student will be asked to move to a three day, full time or forfeit their position.