Preschool Waitlist Prospective Child's Name * First Name Last Name Child's Birthdate * MM DD YYYY Siblings If you are planning to enroll more than one child, list their name(s) below. Please submit a new form for each child. Primary Parent Contact (Guardian) * First Name Last Name Primary Contact Email * Please double-check that this information is entered correctly. You will be notified via this email address of your child's status once our waitlist closes and enrollment begins. Primary Phone Number * (###) ### #### Preschool Program * Please select which program you would be enrolling your child in. Toddler Class: 12-24 months old Two's Class: 24-36 months old Three's Class: 3 years old Four's Class: 4 years old TK Five's Class: Children turning 5 after August 31st Weekly Schedule * Which days of the week are you desiring to enroll your child? TLT is NOT open on weekends. M-F T-TH MWF Hours * Which hours would your child be in attendance? Preschool Hours: 8:30am - 12:30pm Extended Hours: 7am - 5:30pm Financial Assistance * Are you interested in receiving Financial Assistance for The Learning Tree tuition? NO, not at this time YES, I would like to apply for assistance Submitted! Thank you for joining the Preschool Waitlist for The Learning Tree. We have received your information. Our waitlist closes May 1st. After that, you will be contacted via email by May 10th with notification of your child’s status. If your child becomes enrolled, you will receive a Welcome Letter email with further information regarding the next steps. Thank you,The Learning Tree